Beacon of Hope


The Big Fish


Sammy the Seal


Custom House


Custom House




Albert Memorial Clock


Victoria Square Shopping


Victoria Square Shopping




Waterfront Hall


Sheep on the road Sculpture


Royal Court of Justice


St. George's Market


St. George's Market



St. George's Market



St. George's Market



Belfast City Hall


Belfast City Hall



Belfast City Hall







Donegall Street


Donegall Street


Spirit of Belfast






Belfast Cathedral




Lagan Weir FootBridge


Game of Thrones Trail - Lagan Weir


Game of Thrones Trail - Odyssey


SoundYard - Maritime Belfast


Titanic Kit Sculpture


SS Nomadie (Transportava passageiros para o Titanic)


Game of Thrones Trail - White Walkers


The Three standing man sculpture


Titanic Belfast Museum


Titanic Dry Dock


Titanic Belfast Museum


Titanic Belfast Museum


Titanic Belfast Museum


Titanic Belfast Museum


Titanic Belfast Museum


Game of Thrones Trail - White Walkers


Clonard Street / Bombay Street


Clonard Street / Bombay Street


Clonard Street / Bombay Street


Clonard Street / Bombay Street


Clonard Street / Bombay Street


Clonard Street / Bombay Street


Clonard Street / Bombay Street